Wednesday 23 May 2012

BASIC COURSE IN WAX MODEL MAKING - Chennai Diamond Gold Studded Jewellery Designing CAD WAX Casting Institute Courses Training Tamil Nadu India

For more information contact: 

Chennai Jewel Design  Academy

Mobile: +91-9444100081,9840689781
         Every Monday new batches


Wax is an excellent medium of expression and wax carving is an important Process of construction of a jewellery design. Wax model making is used for making custom jewellery or for production. The objective of this course is to important knowledge of this process, to the students so they can effectively express their ideas through the medium of wax.

In this course the student learns to make models of different jewellery like ring, pendent, earrings, etc. in hard carving wax and will also be given demonstration on the lost wax casting process and mould making.

The Students will learn different kinds of wax modeling techniques in hard and soft wax, using a variety of tools.

Duration:                           30 Sessions
Number of Seats:               10
Eligibility:                         S.S.C. Knowledge of drawing & Geometry
Fees:                                   Rs. 15,000/ By Demand Draft
Certification                       90% attendance & submission of all projects
                                           Set in the course with satisfactory
                                           Performance is necessary.

Assessment                        only internal grading / assessment to gauge
                                            The skill acquired by the candidates.
Target Group                    Jewellery, Students, Craft Persons, Designers
                                            Art Lovers & interested Person.


● Introduction to Tools, Material, Equipment, Safety / Maintenance
● Basic wax carving techniques for hard wax
  1. Measuring / Planning
  2. Filling
  3. Sawing
  4. Drilling
  5. Forming
  6. Carving / Sculpturing
  7. Assembling, etc.

● Projects in Hard wax to make rings, pendants, creating settings in wax for different shapes stones etc.

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